Ep. 7 Vitamin D

Have you ever had a pain in your body or felt something just wasn’t right with how you were feeling? I went far too long with body aches and pains, all while telling myself it was from getting older, jogging on concrete, and years of cooking. I had went to the Doctor not too long before, but because I was told all tests ran came back good, mentally I would tell myself I’m good. The pain became unbearable most days. A puff of weed or wine would actually make it worse. When I became fearful of the pain, is when I finally went back to the Doctor. If you have a high pan tolerance, waiting so long can be dangerous. As women, we put everyone else’s needs and wants above our own naturally. It is imperative that we begin to take better care of ourselves because if we are not good, no one around us is good. Have you had a thorough physical lately?


Ep. 8 Please Have an Orgasm sis!!


Ep. 6 Put pride aside