Ep. 6 Put pride aside

Why is it odd to ask your friends if they are feeling alright? That should not be an odd question, once we become adults, we should appreciate someone taking the time to ask how we are feeling because navigating this thing called life can cause some rough days. If I say “hey how are you feeling today?” that should not leave you feeling bewildered. That question should not have you ready to put your pride in the forefront of your answer and say “I’m good!” during times you may not be. I have learned to appreciate when someone reaches out to check up on me. We need to learn how to do that without judgement or using someone’s feelings as gossip because on the flip side of that coin, that’s exactly why women are afraid to share - Lack of trusting another with our emotions. It doesn’t have to be everyone, but that is why it is so important to not only have a trustworthy circle, but to breed more sympathetic and humbling behavior. Please share your thoughts below.


Ep. 7 Vitamin D