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Welcome! My name is Libra like the scales of justice, but no, I am not a Libra. I have been asked that question my entire life and it never fails to be the beginning of great conversation between me and a stranger. It is the gift God birthed me with - to be able to talk with someone I had never met and for them to share feelings with me that they had not shared with anyone else. Little did I know that would be the guiding light that shines and travel with me throughout my life.

I am married to a great man who I have always felt was the male version of myself, but less talkative. I have 3 beautiful children, and two wonderful grandchildren. I hold an A.A. in Culinary Arts, B.A. in Psychology, and currently in pursuit of my M.A. in Couples’ Therapy. I have carried the “title” Pastry Chef for nearly 20 years, but it was much more - indeed a Therapist!

In my younger, more valiant years, I worked for an escort service. I soon grasped the concept of the “adult entertainment industry” and sternly suited up as Madame Libra! I encountered a plethora of people who found pleasure in various sexual kinks and fantasies. I would get high off women bringing me money and even higher spanking a complete stranger for cash. The plot twist to it all would soon arise.

I believe food is love and how it is prepared display that love. When ingested, that love is radiated. Just as I delight in joyfully preparing it, so does listening to the stories that make up the lives of people. It comes natural for me. I have listened to women share personal stories about everything from marriage to divorce and the fake orgasms in between. I did not just ingest those stories as food to shit out, but as nourishment that would help me navigate my journey. My memory is exemplary, distinctly not by accident.

One day as I was reminiscing over the many stories told to me, many of which I was not old enough to fully understand at the time, an epiphany dropped in my spirit to share those stories, along with my own, with other women because they may be going through similar situations. I realized this same woman who once used other women had to take a stance on building confidence, trust, and the re-assurance within us women. I decided to create a community specifically for women to be more comfortable in being just that… A WOMAN! I wanted our life experiences and inquiries to be shared for understanding to help one another so that we can stand stronger throughout life’s obstacles. Here, we are not inferior, but encouraged to feel again and free to express those feelings.

My concept of Naked Air is based on my gritty past experiences, conversations, and area of study so that I may be transparent from an experimental and professional viewpoint.

I am engaged in the ongoing evolvement of therapeutic talk therapy and passionate about guiding people through it. Marriage, love, sex, intimacy, health, and hygiene topics in depth are essential to peeling back the layers that prevent women from experiencing true pleasure. I hope you all enjoy this journey of feminine expression as much as I do. I’ll Get Naked, So You’ll Get Naked!