Ep. 9 Strength is Female

It seems as though working women put down stay-at-home moms and entrepreneurs ridicule corporate climbers. So it becomes this attack on one another while contradicting ourselves pretending to lift each other up. I have been on all sides of this triangle and have had discussions surrounding this. Why is it that the ‘working woman” believes the housewife is meek and has no say? where does that idea come from and why would one assume that is the case today? All positions are difficult ones to play. One is not more superior than the other so why do we put the other down. At one point in time moms and wives used to be considered the epitome of strength holding families together. After women’s Lib, the working woman became celebrated, but that should not negate the fact that all positions played by women require a great amount of strength. Please post your comments!


Whether you are an entrepreneur, housewife, or climbing up the corporate ladder, it all takes strength. So stop knocking one over the other.


Ep. 10 Masturbation


Ep. 8 Please Have an Orgasm sis!!